Export Marketing @ blackcat360.com
Blackcat360.com develops export marketing campaigns to achieve international sales objectives for our clients.
Blackcat360.com can develop a full export marketing plan including recommended marketing, budget and timeline. This can often be done free of charge. Our export marketing campaigns aim to achieve maximum return on investment for our clients by building sales in targeted countries and markets.
Our export marketing campaigns are based around the EXIMAP method developed by blackcat360.com director, Carl Roughsedge. EXIMAP breaks down export marketing into five stages: methodology, targeting, marketing, monitoring and professionalism. This method ensures greatest results and return on investment.
Export Marketing – EXIMAP Methodology
In this initial stage we assess and identify the most effective methodology to bring the clients products or services to market. We consider several options; the use of local export sales agents, an international export marketing campaign, the establishment of dedicated offices in the target markets, etc. Usually a combination of these options will be the most effective route to market.
Export Marketing – EXIMAP Targeting
Identifying the correct countries to build export sales to is of course crucial. EXIMAP uses a number of criterion to ensure that the export marketing is focused on the countries with the best opportunity to build sales and revenues in the fastest and most cost effective manner. These criterion include geographical, estimated demand, market size, per capita income, tariffs & customs, pricing, logistics, etc.
Export Marketing – EXIMAP Marketing
Whichever methodology is selected is it very likely that some level of export marketing tactical support will be required. Blackcat360.com evaluates the suitability of the current marketing collateral of our clients to achieve the objectives that have been identified and agreed. This will include logo and branding, website, core marketing message, marketing materials and social media campaigns.
Blackcat360.com will recommend and develop an export marketing campaign to achieve the agreed objectives, this will include changes to any existing marketing collateral, new marketing materials and the techniques and media needed to achieve results. We will then implement that campaign to achieve the objectives and provide return on investment.
Export Marketing – EXIMAP Monitor
Monitoring is key to any successful export marketing campaign. Systems will be put in place to assess the effectiveness and returns of all elements of the campaign. This process enables us to target future budgets with maximum efficiency and ensure optimum returns for the available budget in terms of new customers, revenues and profits.
Export Marketing – EXIMAP Professionalism
Professionalism is important from start to finish in this process. From the planning and implementation of every aspect of the export marketing campaign, to the systems in place to deal with the enquiries generated, dealing with orders and the fulfillment of orders. Every time contact is made by your business with potential customers and actual customers there will be an influence on how your business and its products and services are perceived – it is vital that this perception is always positive. So this process must be managed and it must be professional.
If you are interested in an export marketing campaign then email to info@blackcat360.com
Export marketing campaigns
Export marketing campaigns can include:
If you are interested in any of these services then email to info@blackcat360.com
The marketing campaign we recommend and implement will depend on your company, products & services, which countries you want to build your export sales with, opportunities within the target markets and of course your budget.
Our proposal will include an export marketing plan, budget and timeline to meet your international sales objectives.
Our experience
The blackcat360.com team consists of a group of experienced professionals in marketing and international trade. We have successfully developed export marketing campaigns for companies in the United Kingdom, Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Spain, Germany and Italy building sales internationally and providing return on investment. To see some examples of our work please email to info@blackcat360.com.