Terms and conditions

1.Conditions of submissions

1.1. List your business in the country where you are based.

1.2 For the business name field, use your company name only.

1.3 Do not submit sites with an address that redirects to another address.

1.4 Complete all required fields including your current website and main contact email address.

1.5 Submit your site to the most accurate category.

1.6 We do not accept sites consisting of adult or pornographic material, violence, fraud, selling pirated software, drugs, an online pharmacy or anything illegal.

1.7 Provide a description that is relevant to your business.

1.8 Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain duplicate content, but have different URLs.

1.9 The address given in your submission must be the same as your contact address on your website.

1.10 Please add a detailed description about your business.

1.11 We reserve the right to reject any submission and without explanation.

1.12 Our editors have the right to make any changes to any part of your submission/listing.

1.13 Your website will be reviewed and made live on blackcat360.com within 2-3 days so long as it meets our guidelines. Amendments to existing listings will be reviewed and the listing made live again usually within 24 hours.


2. General conditions

2.1 As a user, you agree to any information you enter being stored in a database. We may remove, reject or edit listings at our discretion for any reason.

2.2 When you submit your business to blackcat360.com you accept that your company can be reviewed by customers and other users of the site. We reserve the right to remove any reviews that we believe have not been posted by the customers themselves or where we believe the reviews may not be genuine.

2.3 We do not guarantee the timeliness, completeness or performance of the website or any of the content. Whilst we do try to ensure that all content featured on the website is correct at the time of publication, no responsibility is accepted by blackcat360.com for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the website.

2.4 We will not be liable for any loss or damage, financial or otherwise as a result of you using the information provided on the website, nor does blackcat360.com guarantee the suitability or quality of any products or services featured on the website.

2.5 blackcat360.com does not warrant that access to the website or the features on the website will be uninterrupted or error free. Nor warrant that the server on which the website is based is free of viruses or other harmful code.

By creating an account you are accepting our Terms & Conditions